Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adviser a person who gives advice.
apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly.
assistant a person who gives help or aid.
blur to cause to run together or become confused.
claim to state as true.
examine to look at closely and carefully.
explain to make clear in speech or writing; show in detail.
freight goods shipped by boat, plane, train, or truck.
juvenile young; not grown up.
poetry short pieces of writing, in general, that use special rhythm, imaginative language, and often rhyme to create beauty or express unique thoughts and feelings.
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to grab or take something.
proof any material that proves something is true or real.
snort to push air through the nose in a noisy, rough, and forceful way.
startle to cause to move suddenly.
wipe to clean or dry by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth, paper, or one's hand.