Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apprehend to catch and place under arrest.
cancellation the act of omission, deletion, or invalidation.
contrast to compare in order to make differences clear.
dilemma a situation that requires a choice between two actions, neither of which will be a good solution.
expend to use up.
fluster to cause to become nervous, confused, or upset.
gaunt very thin and bony.
instructional pertaining to or having the purpose of teaching or providing information on a topic.
realization something that has been suddenly understood; insight.
rehabilitation the act of bringing back to a healthier, stronger, or more socially respectable condition.
resolution strong purpose or determination.
skew to turn or go off at an angle; swerve.
slaughter the killing and butchering of animals for food.
stench an unpleasant or foul odor; stink.
treachery a breaking of faith or loyalty; betrayal.