Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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count to give each thing in a group a number to learn how many there are.
cushion a pillow or pad that one sits on or leans on for comfort. Some cushions are used for decoration.
edge a line where two sides or surfaces meet.
gun a weapon with a tube made of metal from which bullets are fired.
hood a covering for the head and neck that may be attached to a coat, jacket, or other piece of clothing.
newspaper a set of large sheets of paper with reports about recent events, advertisements, and other information. Most newspapers are printed and sold every day or once a week.
platform a raised, level surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience.
refuse1 to not accept or agree to something; to say "no."
rod a straight, thin stick or bar.
sale a selling of goods for a lower price than usual.
slam to shut with force and loud noise.
stand to hold your body upright by using your legs and feet, or to move to this position.
sunny having weather in which the sky is blue and clouds do not block the light of the sun.
system a group of things or parts that work together as a whole.
unlock to open the lock of something.