Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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beforehand ahead of time; at an earlier time.
channel a long, narrow body of water that joins two larger bodies of water.
component a part of something.
entrust to hand over to for the care or protection of.
forfeit something demanded or given up as a penalty for not acting as required by law, contract, or rules.
kernel the most basic part of something; the heart of the matter; core.
pivot a rod or pin upon which another part rotates, swings, or moves back and forth.
proprietor an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like.
smirk to smile in a self-satisfied, offensively knowing, or self-conscious way.
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, especially in exchange for rent.
transcontinental going or reaching across a continent.
transcription a written or typed copy of something dictated or heard.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.
waver1 to move back and forth in a fluttering motion; sway.
woo to solicit or invite (some consequence or result).