Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
anniversary the date each year that is the same date on which a wedding or other important event happened.
applause the clapping of hands in approval.
broadcast to send over television or radio.
drape to decorate or cover with a cloth that hangs in folds.
enthusiasm a strong interest or excitement in connection with something.
invention the act or process of coming up with or creating something new.
modest not thinking too highly of oneself; humble.
pouch a sturdy bag or sack of any size that is used to carry things.
purchase something that is bought.
rental something that can be rented.
separate not connected or not attached.
thoughtful having or showing careful thought.
thread a fine cord used in sewing, weaving, and the like. Thread is usually made of two or more fibers such as cotton twisted together.
version a description or report in a particular style or from one point of view.