Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bereavement the condition or fact of being deprived of something or someone, especially by the death of a loved one.
bland without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent.
canvass to conduct a survey of; poll.
conscription compulsory enrollment in military service.
decelerate to lower the speed of; decrease in velocity; slow down.
dote to have or show too much love or affection (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
elixir a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water used as a vehicle for medicines.
emaciate to waste away the flesh of, usually by starvation or disease; make extremely thin.
felon1 a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary, as opposed to a misdemeanor.
gratis without charging money; freely.
monumental massive, imposing, or extremely conspicuous.
offhand done without thinking or preparing ahead of time.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
ramification a consequence or related aspect of something; offshoot.
submissive inclined or obliged to submit; unresisting; obedient; docile.