Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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accident reasons or causes that are not planned by anyone.
ax a tool with a blade attached to the end of a long handle. An ax is used for chopping wood.
contain to hold or have within.
crime something that people do that is against the law.
fix to repair.
pair two things that are the same and are used together.
park an area of public land that anyone can use for rest and enjoyment.
pierce to pass or go through with or as if with something sharp; penetrate.
poem a piece of writing different from ordinary writing in its special form, rhythm, and beautiful or interesting language. Poems are often short and express feelings. They sometimes use words that rhyme.
scar the permanent mark that remains after a wound has healed.
serve to give aid or help; be of use.
skate to move over ice or another hard surface using shoes that have a blade or wheels attached to the bottom.
soon in a short time.
stove a device that uses electricity, gas, or oil to provide heat for cooking or warmth.
suddenly without warning, often causing surprise or fear.