Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advance to move or send forward.
antique from or made in a time long ago.
bellow to shout loudly and with a deep tone.
burst to break, open up, or explode suddenly.
civic of or having to do with citizens or citizenship.
combination the result of an act of putting things together or mixing them.
international having to do with two or more countries or with what happens between two or more countries.
nominee a person or thing that has been nominated for an office or honor.
prefer to choose above all others as the best liked or most wanted.
reluctance a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt.
sensor a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment, such as light, temperature, sound, or pressure.
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone.
valley a long area of low land between mountains or hills. A stream or river often runs through a valley.
valuable worth a lot of money.
weigh to measure how heavy something is by using a scale.