Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
calculator a machine used in computing numbers.
chord2 three or more musical notes played at the same time.
confide to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in").
constitution the set of basic laws by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed.
discuss to talk together about.
doodle to draw or scribble without purpose.
fury very wild anger; rage; frenzy.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused pile.
lance a weapon with a long pole and pointed metal head.
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
obedient likely or willing to obey rules or orders.
scramble to mix or throw together in a quick or random way.
scribble to write quickly or carelessly; scrawl.
shaggy having long, rough hair or something like hair.