Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjourn to stop the process of a formal meeting or court session, often with the intention of starting again at another time.
adjunct attached or connected but not fully integrated; supplementary; subordinate.
altogether completely; entirely.
deflate to cause to shrink or collapse by letting out air or gas.
dependable deserving trust or confidence; able to be counted on.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government.
fluctuation unsteadiness; vacillation.
inappropriate not right or proper for the time or place; not appropriate.
loiter to stand around idly.
norm a model or standard, especially one that is generally accepted or followed.
pedestrian a person who is walking.
regulate to control by rules or a method.
renew to make like new; restore.
repent1 to be sorry or feel remorse for sins or transgressions; be penitent.
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.