Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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actor a person who performs in a play, a movie, or a radio or television program.
bottom the lowest or deepest part of something.
cool a little cold; not warm.
courage the ability to face fear or danger.
den the resting place of wolves, lions, and other large wild animals.
draw to make a picture with a pen, pencil, or other writing tool.
drip to come down in drops.
each every one of two or more things.
impossible not able to happen or to be done.
lovely beautiful in appearance.
mission a special job given to a person or group of people.
seat a chair or other object for sitting on.
still not moving.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.
trainer a person who prepares people or animals for competition through exercise, practice, and diet.