Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alcohol a clear liquid that burns easily and can be made from certain grains and fruits. Alcohol is present in such drinks as beer, wine, and whiskey. It is also used in making medicines and chemicals.
anniversary the date each year that is the same date on which a wedding or other important event happened.
average a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary.
basically in an important or central way; at heart.
cultivator a machine or hand tool that prepares soil for planting by loosening the soil and removing weeds.
expert someone who knows a great deal about a particular thing.
explanation the act or process of making clear in speech or writing.
generous willing to give or share; not selfish.
hectic marked by hurry, confusion, and too much activity.
judgment an opinion formed after carefully studying all of the information.
jungle land covered with many trees, vines, and bushes; a tropical rain forest.
operation the act or process of working or running.
plunge to thrust into something soft or liquid.
relation connection.
relay to carry or pass on.