Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appellation a name, title, or other designation.
atonement the act of making reparation for a sin, crime, error, or the like.
avow to assert or affirm.
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often followed by "out" or "forth").
corporeal having to do with a physical body; bodily.
desiccate to remove the moisture in (food) so as to preserve it.
equipoise a state of balance or equal weight, importance, or the like; equilibrium.
extempore without plan or preparation; impromptu or improvised.
froward unwilling to agree or obey; stubborn; perverse.
guru in a cult or religious movement, a spiritual guide or leader, sometimes believed to be divine.
incessant never stopping; constant.
inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery.
oppugn to oppose, contradict, criticize, or call into question.
pedantic making or characterized by an excessive display of learnedness, or overly insistent on scholarly details and formalities.
rapacious capable of capturing and eating live prey; predacious.