Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ancestry line of descent; lineage.
conceal to hide or keep hidden from sight.
discourage to cause to lose hope or confidence.
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar.
eliminate to get rid of or destroy.
forgo to do without, refrain from, or give up.
haughty proud in a way that shows a low opinion of others; thinking of others as beneath oneself.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
inconsistent not following a regular pattern; variable.
inspiration a person or thing that motivates, uplifts, or gives one the confidence to do something; someone or something that inspires.
latter the second of two things mentioned.
pavilion a light building with open sides used for shelter or recreation.
publicize to make widely known; advertise.
suppliant a person who makes a heartfelt request.
virtually practically; almost completely; very nearly.