Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
agnostic one who believes it is impossible to know anything about the existence or nonexistence of God or about the essential nature of things beyond the material universe.
debit an amount of money taken out of or owed on an account, or the record of that amount.
fabricate to construct or create.
fraught accompanied by; full of, usually something bad or unpleasant.
maxim a brief, concise statement of a general or basic truth or rule, especially for proper conduct.
preclude to prevent from happening by means of prior action or previously established condition.
promontory a high cliff that sticks out into a large body of water or that rises above an area of lower land.
secretive tending to secrecy.
suave polished and urbane.
sublime exalted or noble; lofty.
typify to be the representative example of.
unconscionable not restrained or guided by a concern for what is right and just; unprincipled.
unhinge to cause to become confused, unbalanced, or deeply disturbed.
volatile rapidly changeable, especially tending to become violent.