Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affiliate to join as a member or smaller branch of (usually followed by "with").
cozen to deceive or trick; swindle.
engulf to cover entirely, as if by a flood.
exhaustive thorough and all-encompassing.
fraught accompanied by; full of, usually something bad or unpleasant.
galvanize to stimulate into awareness or activity.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
misinterpret to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.
monotone speech with little or no change in tone.
obligatory required; compulsory.
poignant deeply touching; arousing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy; piercing; penetrating.
retention the act or process of maintaining the possession or use of.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.