Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease.
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
berserk violently enraged; wildly destructive.
climate the usual weather conditions in a place.
elegance the quality of refinement, taste, and grace, especially when combined with richness of decoration or design.
exceed to go beyond or do more than.
forsake to leave or desert.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
inseparable impossible or difficult to divide or to conceive of apart; tending to remain together.
laden filled with a great weight.
mainstream agreeing with or shaped by the main trends and most common opinions of a group or society.
parental of or relating to the role of a mother or father.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
respiration the act of breathing.
restriction something that limits or restricts.