Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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annoyance someone or something that bothers or irritates.
certainly without doubt or question.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross.
metropolis a large city.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
phantom a ghost or something else that seems real, but is not real.
rig to make ready for use by attaching sails, lines, and rope.
sake reason; purpose.
salary a fixed amount of money paid at regular times for the work a person has done.
sly devious or not to be trusted.
statue a piece of art that is shaped or put together out of stone, metal or other material. Statues are often in the form of a human or animal.
sue to start a lawsuit against in a court of law; prosecute.
wad a small mass or ball.