Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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angel a spiritual being who acts as a servant or messenger of God. Angels are often represented as human figures with wings and a halo.
brand a kind of product made by one particular company.
coach a person who trains and teaches people in sports.
dangerous likely to cause harm; not safe.
pillow a cloth bag filled with soft material used for resting the head while sleeping.
pupil1 a young person who is taught by a teacher.
quiet making little or no noise.
room an area of a building separated from similar areas by walls or doors.
rug a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor.
sin an act of not obeying religious law.
skip to move forward by jumping on one foot and then on the other.
snip to cut or clip with short, quick strokes of scissors.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
tail a part of an animal's body that sticks out from the back end.
waterfall a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.