Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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able having the power or knowledge to do something.
baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
bitter having a strong taste that is neither sweet nor sour.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
driver a person who drives, or a person whose job is to drive.
grand splendid in size or appearance.
marry to become someone's husband or wife according to the law.
pass to go past; move beyond.
promise to state, in a way that makes someone feel sure, that something will happen or will be done.
pupil1 a young person who is taught by a teacher.
siren a warning device that makes a loud, piercing noise.
stadium a place used for sports events and other outdoor activities. Stadiums have rows of seats that rise up around an open field.
wake1 to come out of sleep (often followed by "up").