Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
amiable having or showing a friendly manner.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise.
censure to criticize or condemn.
fractious inclined to be irritable and quarrelsome; cranky.
fusion the act of fusing or joining together.
oblivion the state or condition of being entirely forgotten.
piquant of food, having a deliciously sharp or spicy taste.
portal a doorway or entrance, especially a large and imposing one.
proscribe to make illegal or prohibit.
quell to overpower or suppress with force; put down; quash.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, especially as a military maneuver.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.
wan very pale.