Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bite to cut with the teeth.
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
dam a wall built across a river or stream to stop the flow of water.
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
fill to cause to become full; put as much as possible into.
lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of something.
lid a cover for a container that can be opened or removed.
listener one who listens.
mirror a smooth surface that shows an image of whatever is in front of it.
prayer a request made to one's god, or the act of making a request to one's god.
seal a material or object used to close something tight.
snap to break suddenly with a cracking noise.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
story1 a report of events that really happened or are imaginary.
unfair against what is right or just.