Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affix to attach or join physically (usually used with "to").
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal.
ascendant moving upward; rising.
bevy a group of birds or other animals, especially quail or larks.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise.
clique a small, often aggressively exclusive group of friends or associates.
contortion a straining or twisting by the intellect; mental gymnastics.
depict to show, describe, or portray in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
ductile able to withstand stress without breaking, as in drawing out into wire or pounding thin.
incendiary causing or having the potential to cause a fire.
infallible incapable of error.
invocation the act or process of calling out to a god, muse, or the like, for help, support, or inspiration.
laxity the state or quality of being careless or slack; looseness.
plummet to fall sharply down, especially at high speed; plunge.