Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acme the highest point, as of attainment; pinnacle.
altruistic unselfishly devoted to the welfare of others.
brazen shameless; bold.
enigmatic puzzling, mysterious, or inexplicable.
exorbitant exceeding the bounds of what is reasonable, fair, or proper; immoderate.
inscrutable impossible to comprehend or interpret; mysterious.
linguistic of or pertaining to language or the study of language.
mien one's manner or bearing.
particularity precise or detailed character.
pugnacious ready or eager to fight; overly aggressive or quarrelsome.
recrimination an accusation made in response to being accused by another, or the act of countering one accusation with another.
remonstrance the act or an instance of protesting or objecting.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
verity the quality or condition of being true or real.