Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abhorrence a feeling of complete loathing, repulsion, or horror.
amplitude the state or quality of being ample; largeness.
apocalypse any instance of terrible destruction and devastation, especially on a scale that could bring about an end to the world.
apogee the highest or farthest point.
cater to supply food or other service.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
expendable considered able to be replaced, given up, or sacrificed.
fanaticism excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm or support for something.
generalize to come to a broad idea or rule about something after considering particular facts.
ossify to become inflexible or rigid, as in thought or behavior.
proficient adept or skilled, usually as a result of study or practice.
prurient characterized by or causing lewdness or lust.
reclaim to recover the use of (land areas) by draining, hydrating, or otherwise reconditioning so that the land can be used for agriculture or other purposes.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
succinct briefly but clearly stated; concise.