Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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baffle to confuse; puzzle.
birth the act or fact of being born.
bloat to make swollen or too full of air, water, or food.
budge to change or begin to change position slightly.
current of or happening in the present time.
deck the floor on a ship or boat. Sometimes a ship has several decks at different levels.
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
edition one of a series of printings of the same published work.
middle-class of or pertaining to the segment of people in a society who are neither of high rank or low rank with respect to wealth or social status.
pursuit the act of following or chasing.
smuggle to take in or out of a country illegally.
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone.
terrorize to control by using threats or acts of violence.
thrash to give a beating to; whip.
transparent letting light pass through and giving a clear view of objects on the other side.