Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alas a word used to express sadness or disappointment.
choice the act or an instance of selecting or picking.
conscience the sense that allows a person to decide between right and wrong actions.
disaster a sudden event causing much damage or suffering.
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition.
limit the point at which something ends; a boundary or border.
manufacturer a company that makes things in large quantities, usually in a factory and using machines.
newly not long ago.
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis.
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations.
sketch a drawing or painting that was done in a hurry or without detail. Sketches are sometimes done to prepare for later work.
suggestion a comment that offers an idea about what could be done.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
trait a characteristic or quality that makes a person or animal different from others.
trough a long narrow open container used for serving food or water to animals.