Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cooperate to work with others.
drizzle to rain in light drops.
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, caused by movement deep within the earth.
employee someone who works for a person or business in return for pay.
explosion the act of bursting or the noise made by bursting.
limit the point at which something ends; a boundary or border.
lousy (informal) nasty or mean.
nasal of the nose.
precipitation the act of water falling in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
scroll a roll of paper or parchment, used to write or draw on.
sow1 to plant or scatter in or over the ground.
specialty a special skill or field of study.
telescope an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.
user one that uses.
wilt to lose freshness and become limp.