Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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amaze to surprise greatly or fill with wonder; astonish.
applause the clapping of hands in approval.
avoid to keep away from.
charm the ability to attract, delight, and please.
construction the act or process of putting parts together to build or create.
display anything put out in order to be seen by others.
equality the condition of being the same in value, measure, or amount.
exhibit a collection of things that are shown or on display for many people to look at.
harmful causing or likely to cause harm; dangerous.
hedge a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence.
kindly showing or having kindness.
request the act of asking for something.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
swamp a wet, low area of land that is usually covered with water; bog; marsh.
user one that uses.