Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abrogate to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.
boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
contumely contemptuous insolence; rudeness.
disallow to refuse to allow or admit; reject.
disheveled not neat; messy.
glabrous having no hair or fuzz; bald; smooth.
invidious tending to arouse feelings of resentment or animosity, especially because of a slight; offensive or discriminatory.
macrocosm a large unit or entity that represents on a large scale one of its smaller components.
magnum opus a great work of art, literature, or music, especially a particular person's masterpiece.
panegyric a formal speech or piece of writing devoted to publicly praising a person or thing.
pastiche a work of visual art, music, or literature that consists mostly of materials and techniques borrowed from other works, sometimes done as an exercise to learn the technique of others.
repose2 to put or place (confidence, hope, or the like) in someone or something.
risible provoking laughter; laughable or funny.
stative in grammar, of or designating a category of verbs that express state or condition.
unabashed not feeling or showing embarrassment, uneasiness, or shame.