Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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band1 a group of people or animals acting together.
corner the place where two roads meet.
drown to die under water because of lack of air.
dull not interesting; boring.
dump a place owned by a town or city where people can bring garbage.
few only a small number of.
halt to stop or pause.
happily in a glad, cheerful, or joyful way.
lower to cause to move to a position below; let down.
originally at first.
price the amount of money needed to buy something.
roam to move or travel around without a plan; wander.
scissors a tool used for cutting. Scissors have two blades that are joined in the middle.
shelter a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger.
teach to show (someone) how to do something or to help (someone) learn something.