Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absolutist of or relating to government by total, unrestrained power.
carouse to revel in a boisterous and drunken manner.
comradeship friendship based on shared or group activities or interests.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure.
inclement of weather, violent or disagreeable.
interminable endless or seemingly endless; monotonously long.
loquacity the quality or an instance of talking a great deal or excessively; talkativeness.
lummox (informal) someone who is especially clumsy, slow, and unintelligent.
misinterpret to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.
pessimistic feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen.
rancorous feeling or showing bitter resentment; hateful.
retroactive going into operation or effect as of a previous date, or in respect to past events or circumstances.
vaporize to cause to become or diffuse as a vapor or gas; atomize; evaporate.