Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accommodate to have room for.
alteration the state or process of altering.
attire to dress up in fancy clothes.
bachelor a man who has not married.
bilingual able to speak two languages well.
collaborate to work with someone else on a project.
dismantle to tear down; take apart.
dispose to place or arrange.
fortress a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement.
friction the rubbing of objects against each other.
mortgage a written agreement by which a bank or other institution agrees to lend money so that one can buy a property. The bank holds a claim to this property until the money is paid back.
ornamental of or pertaining to decoration; decorative.
pedestrian a person who is walking.
teeter to walk, stand, or act in an unsteady, wavering manner.
unique being the only one of its type; sole; single.