Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abroad in or to a country that is not one's own.
balmy soft, mild, and soothing.
chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system.
comprehend to understand or grasp the meaning of.
derive to obtain from a particular source (usually followed by "from").
engineer one who is trained in the use or design of machines or systems.
inconsistent not following a regular pattern; variable.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
intensify to make stronger, more acute, or more intense.
radiate to come out in the form of rays or waves.
snub to ignore as a way to show dislike, dissatisfaction, or contempt.
toll2 a charge for using a bridge or a road.
toxin any poisonous substance that is produced by living cells or living organisms.
violation the act of breaking or breaching a law, rule, or agreement.