Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amphitheater an oval or round building with seats rising in rows from an open, central area. Amphitheaters are used for sports and other public events.
anathema something or someone despised or cursed.
cadaverous of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated.
gubernatorial of or pertaining to the office of governor or to a governor.
inglorious bringing shame or disgrace; shameful; dishonorable.
inkling a blurry or partial idea or understanding.
loquacity the quality or an instance of talking a great deal or excessively; talkativeness.
materialize to become fact; be realized.
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work.
paraphernalia (used with a singular or plural verb) furnishings or equipment, especially that used in a particular job or activity.
permeable of a substance, being such that gas or liquid can penetrate or diffuse through it.
qualm a feeling of guilt or doubt.
ramshackle poorly constructed or in disrepair; rickety.
timely happening at just the right moment.
unproductive not yielding useful or helpful results; not fruitful.