Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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albeit notwithstanding; even though.
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure.
bereaved in a state of grief over the death of a friend or relative.
bromide a bland or trite remark or idea.
evocative tending or able to call forth images, memories, feelings, and the like.
habitable capable of being lived in.
insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; slight.
nomenclature a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training.
pervade to spread or be present everywhere in.
pragmatic concerned with actual causes and effects rather than abstract theories or ideas; practical.
raconteur one who is talented in storytelling.
regress to go back or backwards, as in reverting to an earlier form or stage of development.
resuscitate to bring back to life or consciousness; revive.
skimp to be stingy or very sparing.
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive.