Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ambivalence the presence of conflicting feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, thing, or situation.
cordon a chain of guards or military stations forming a defense or containment line around an area.
crux an essential, basic, crucial, or pivotal point.
defile1 to make unclean, foul, or filthy.
forbearance the act or capability of refraining or holding back.
grandiloquence speech that is pretentious, pompous, or excessively mannered.
illicit not permitted by custom or law; illegitimate.
malignant meant to cause harm; evil.
recluse a person who lives in voluntary isolation from others.
salient extremely noticeable or prominent; conspicuous; important.
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.
tussle to fight or struggle roughly or energetically; scuffle.
variegate to make varied or give variety to, especially by making multicolored.
vicissitude (usually plural) unexpected and unforeseeable changes or shifts, as in one's circumstances.