Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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coma a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
confine to keep within limits; restrict.
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
expert someone who knows a great deal about a particular thing.
intense having a very great degree of something, such as heat, or being in a very great degree or state.
participant a person who joins in or becomes involved in something.
reluctance a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt.
request the act of asking for something.
spend to pay out.
stress to place importance on or give special attention to; underline.
technical having to do with special skills or techniques.
traditional relating to customs and ways of doing things in a particular culture that are passed down from parents to children.
vegetation plants or plant life in a particular place.
waste to use or spend in a careless way or for little or no return.
well-known famous; familiar.