Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abash to cause to feel embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed.
amortize to deduct (expenditures) by fixed amounts over a period of time.
appellative a descriptive name or title, as "Terrible" in "Ivan the Terrible".
bereft deprived or stripped of something.
blithe indifferent or casual; unconcerned.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
determinism the belief or teaching that every effect, including human thoughts and actions, is completely and predictably brought about by preceding causes and that, therefore, free will does not exist.
ersatz serving as a substitute, especially when of inferior quality.
glut a greater supply or amount than is needed.
granulate to make into small particles or grains.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
malfeasance an illegal act or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
mésalliance marriage with someone of lower social standing than oneself.
otiose having no purpose or use; unnecessary or futile.
scabrous characterized by a rough or scaly surface, as the leaf of a plant.