Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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beguile to deceive or cheat by using guile.
convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
dehumanize to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical.
dross anything that is worthless or useless; rubbish.
ethereal highly refined; unworldly.
fiscal pertaining to public or governmental finances.
intemperate lacking moderation or restraint; excessive, overindulgent, violent, or the like.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
nonentity someone or something that is insignificant, dull, undistinguished, or unimportant, especially a person.
proponent one who proposes or favors an idea, doctrine, course of action, or the like.
prosaic straightforward and plain; unimaginative; dull.
ramification a consequence or related aspect of something; offshoot.
repartee a quick, clever reply; witty retort.
undulate to move in waves or a wavelike motion.
wrest to take away with, or as if with, a twist or pull.