Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abbreviate to shorten the time or length of.
consult to look to for advice or information.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
descriptive using or full of description.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
elude to get away from or avoid by speed or skill.
harmonic in music, related to chords, or different notes played simultaneously.
humiliate to cause to lose pride or feel ashamed; embarrass.
involvement the state of having a role in or interest in.
opposition the act or state of being against, or the state of having someone against another.
overabundance an excessive quantity or amount; more than is needed; surfeit.
proposal a suggested plan.
rave to talk with much enthusiasm; praise.
restrain to hold back or control.
solitude the condition of living or being by oneself.