Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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defer1 to not do until later; put off; delay.
flippant disrespectful or indifferent to someone or something worthy of respect; shallowly humorous.
gibberish written or spoken words that are unintelligible, needlessly obscure, or without coherent meaning.
indubitable without question; certain.
innuendo an indirect and usually derogatory hint, allusion, or insinuation.
putative widely thought to be such; reputed; supposed.
qualm a feeling of guilt or doubt.
recompense payment or action to compensate for the expenditure or loss of time, money, property, or the like.
satirical containing or marked by the use of parody or irony to ridicule or denounce human corruptness or folly.
serendipity lucky coincidence or accidental discovery of something pleasant or valuable.
singularity an unusual trait or quality.
torpid dormant or inactive, as in hibernation.
unexceptionable without flaw or fault; beyond objection or criticism.
unproductive not yielding useful or helpful results; not fruitful.
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.