Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bay1 a body of water with land around it but that is open to the sea on one side.
catch to get control of (someone or something moving away); capture.
diagram a drawing or plan that shows the parts of something or how the parts work together.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
fog a thick cloud that is near to the ground.
harm hurt or injury.
helicopter a type of aircraft that is held in the air and moved along by spinning blades attached to its top side.
hunt to search for and try to kill (animals) for food or sport.
liar a person who tells lies instead of the truth.
male having to do with a person or animal of the sex that does not produce eggs or give birth.
mat a piece of material that is used to cover a small area of a floor or other surface.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
saucer a small dish used for holding a cup.
squat to sit on your heels close to the ground.
station the place where a person or thing is normally found.