Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt.
confluence a joining of two or more streams, or their point of junction.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
doctrinaire dogmatically adhering to a theory or a school of thought, regardless of its practicality.
finicky exceptionally fussy or hard to satisfy.
incise to cut into the surface of.
inestimable of value or worth that cannot be measured; invaluable.
orifice an opening, such as a vent, mouth, or hole, through which something can pass.
provident showing wisdom and foresight in planning for the future.
ravish to overwhelm with emotion or sensation; enrapture.
regimen a regulated routine of therapy or exercise designed to promote health or fitness.
resilient able to withstand and recover quickly from difficulty, sickness, or the like.
saturate to fill or soak completely.
vertigo a sensation of unsteadiness or dizziness, such that one's surroundings seem to be whirling around.
volatility the quality or condition of being highly changeable or inconsistent.