Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agent a person who has been given the power to do certain actions for another person.
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
battery a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. Batteries are used to power many things, including cars, flashlights, toys, and watches.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
commemorate to honor the memory of.
defender someone who believes in and supports a person, plan, idea, or the like.
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light.
imaginary existing only in the mind.
labor hard work or effort.
modest not thinking too highly of oneself; humble.
possess to own or have.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
regarding having to do with; about; concerning.
sacrifice the act of giving up something of great value to show loyalty or deep affection.
suggest to put forth for thinking about; propose.