Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acoustic having to do with sound or hearing.
architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
coward a person who does not have the courage to face danger, pain, or something difficult.
degree a stage or step in a course of action.
discuss to talk together about.
electrical having to do with electricity; electric.
gland a group of cells or an organ that produces fluids that are released into the body or pass out of the body.
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross.
package an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; bundle.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient.
purpose a reason or plan that guides an action; design or goal.
statement something stated in words.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
wad a small mass or ball.
wonder to feel admiration, surprise, or amazement (often followed by "at").