Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accomplishment something that has been successfully done or completed; an achievement.
banker1 an owner or high level employee of an institution where money is kept safe, exchanged, or lent.
bleed to lose blood.
cosmetic a preparation used on the face or body to make the person wearing it look more attractive. Lipstick, nail polish, and powder are cosmetics.
direct to give instructions that lead or guide.
engrave to cut a design or lettering into.
expect to hope for or look forward to.
framework a structure that supports something built on or around it.
homeless having no place indoors to live.
organ a part of plants or animals that performs a particular task. The heart, the lungs, the skin, and the eyes are all organs of animals.
quarterback the football player who calls the plays and handles the ball in most plays.
screw a metal fastener that is like a nail with grooves that wind around it. A screw can be driven into a surface by turning it while pressing down on the head.
smear to spread or apply on or over a surface.
sway to swing back and forth or from side to side; rock.
thud a dull, muffled sound of one thing hitting another.