Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support.
appeal a serious and sincere request for help.
classification the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
cube a solid figure with six square faces all the same size.
delicate pleasing to the senses in a light, soft, or mild way.
detach to separate from a whole.
distinct different or set apart; separate.
earnings money received as pay; wages.
fresh newly made, gotten, or experienced.
harsh rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or other senses.
miracle an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is thought to be caused by a power not of the earth.
rust an orange or reddish brown coating that forms on metal that has been exposed to air and water.
solve to find or figure out an answer to.
sue to start a lawsuit against in a court of law; prosecute.
tame taken from a wild state and made obedient; domesticated.