Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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active always doing something; busy; full of energy.
ambition a strong desire to become famous, rich, or to reach a goal.
consumer someone who buys goods or services.
crest a tuft of feathers, bone, or fur on an animal's head, or something that looks like this. The comb of a rooster is one kind of crest.
declare to announce in a formal way.
manual a book of instructions.
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air.
remarkable unusual or exceptional.
salute to show respect by raising the right hand to the forehead.
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.
sufficient enough; as much as needed.
swamp a wet, low area of land that is usually covered with water; bog; marsh.
temporary for a short time; not permanent.
transport the act of carrying or moving from one place to another.
treason the betrayal of one's country by going to war against it or giving information to its enemies.