Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancestor a person from whom one is descended and who lived several generations ago.
autograph the name of a person, especially a famous person, written in his or her own handwriting.
briefly in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time.
clearly without a doubt.
crouch to lower the body close to the ground by bending the legs. A cat about to pounce crouches, as does a person getting ready to run in a race.
decision the act or result of making up one's mind.
dissatisfaction the state or condition of not being content or happy with something, or the cause of this condition.
encyclopedia a book or set of books that has information on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
mechanic a worker who is skilled in making, using, and repairing tools, machines, and motors.
orderly arranged in a neat way; in order.
savage fierce; cruel.
source the start or cause of something.
text the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like.
twirl to cause to spin or revolve quickly; rotate.